Thursday, March 21, 2013

How do you type on the iPhone: Portrait or landscape? [Poll]

How do you type on the iPhone: Portrait or landscape? [Poll]

Last night we asked you how you grip the iPhone while typing, and tonight we're continuing our typing series by asking you about your orientation -- portrait or landscape?

Apple says they designed the iPhone with one-handed ease of use in mind, and maybe that's why it took them until iOS 3 to make landscape mode persistent across most of the built-in apps. But for a lot of people, the extra-wide, Cadillac-style typing experience of landscape is exactly what they want, number of hands it takes to hold and use it be damned.

For others, it might depend on the app. Portrait for on the go or quick stuff, landscape for speed-texting or longer-form writing.

When you want to get your type on, which orientation do you hold your iPhone? Portrait or landscape?


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